Full-Chip Systems – Ultra

Our Ultra coating systems incorporate a full-chip broadcast of one of our proprietary ¼” polyvinyl acetate (PVA) thermoplastic chip blends…you get to choose the blend…available in 12 beautiful colors of mixed beiges, browns, grays, silvers, whites and blacks.  Like all our full-chip coating systems, the Ultra starts with a thick, 100%-solids, moisture-mitigating primer coat, followed by a full-broadcast of your selected chip blend into the “wet” primer. Because the primer coat is so thick (not thin like our “1-day” coating competitors), the chips are properly embedded, permitting  a thorough sanding the following day (…your socks don’t catch on the chips). We then finish the application with two clear, 100%-solids polyaspartic top coats (not 1). Into the 2nd coat, we mix  an anti-skid aggregate to minimize potential slippage. The end result is 35+-mil thick  flooring that’s as beautiful as it is functional…and warranted for as long as you own your home.

Epoxy flooring Ultra garage floor coating layered illustration

*Due to screen color calibration settings, images and color tones may vary from actual samples.

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